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Категорія: 07.05.2009 354

First steps to represent the achievements of Ukraine’s first International šekspìrìvs′koï Conference on global level


Recently on the site of Shakespeare’s Association of Germany (Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft) appeared briefly, but extremely capable publication about the Conference “the Poetic universe of” Sonetìv “by William Shakespeare: reception, research interpretations, translations (23-24 April 2009., m. Zaporizhya), the author of which was one of the guests of the event – Bal′c Engler (University of m. Basel, Switzerland).

Present the Ukrainian translation of publications:

Shakespeare in Ukraine

Bal′c Engler

23-24 April, passed in Ukraine’s first Shakespeare Conference, which took about 80 representatives of various scientific areas. The event was perfectly organized by the local Laboratory of Renaissance Studies, headed by Prof. Natalia Torkut. In the center of the scientific program were “Sonnets” by William Shakespeare, as well as their reception in Ukraine. The foreign guests were Paul Francin (Paul Franssen) with m. Utrecht and Bal′c Engler (Balz Engler) with m. Basel. At a Conference of the Ukrainian ìnstitualìzacìû šekspìroznavstva and forms of future cooperation. Among the Conference participants dominated the mood of the “new start”: it was decided to create a Ukrainian Shakespeare Center, which contributed to the development of scientific contacts both in Ukraine and internationally. Deeply impressed by the enthusiasm with which Conference participants come to discuss issues related to the figure and work of William Shakespeare. The next Conference will be held in 2 years

Shakespeare in der Ukraine

von Balz Engler

Am 23./24. April fand in Zaporoshje die erste Shakespeare-Konferenz in der Ukraine statt, mit ca. 80 Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Fachgebieten, hervorragend organisiert vom dortigen “Laboratory for Renaissance Studies” unter der Leitung von Nataliya Torkut. Im Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Programms standen die Sonette und ihre Rezeption in der Ukraine. Gastredener waren Paul Franssen (Utrecht) und Balz Engler (Basel). Institutionell ging es um künftige Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Es herrschte Aufbruchstimmung: Man beschloss, ein ukrainisches Shakespeare-Zentrum zu gründen, um so die Kontakte im Land selbst und international zu fördern. Der Enthusiasmus, mit dem man sich mit Shakespeare auseinandersetzt, war beeindruckend. Die nächste Konferenz soll in zwei Jahren stattfinden.

From the original version in German can be found here on the website of the Music Society of Germany.

Attention to our project by the German šekspìroznavcìv is for us the more pleasant that compared with other mainland European countries treatment of Germans to the plays of great Englishman is the most early and active. German prosvìtniki for the first time outside England identified zagal′nokul′turne the value of creativity in Shakespeare, and thanks to the representatives of the German preromantizmu and the romanticism of the English playwright was open to other eras and Nations. On the foundations established by the Germans in 1864, 2006. Shakespeare’s company, which established a scientific study of the works of the English master of the word, is the modern šekspìroznavstvo not only Germany, but also in other European countries.